How to Improve the Look of Your Rental Property Without Spending Too Much Money

Improving the performance of your rental property without spending too much money.

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Remodeling Your Home

Planning for a home remodeling.

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Removing interior walls

Opening interior walls can be a great way to create more space but some walls may be load-bearing, meaning they support the weight of the structure above.

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Things to consider when remodeling your kitchen

Key elements to consider begins with configuration of your kitchen. Will you need to update electrical outlets? If changing floor plan, where will the sink be located? These items will impact preparation details.

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Plumbing | Relocating Fixtures

Plumbing things to know when remodeling or renovating your home.

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Common causes of toilets overflowing

Did you know? #1 cause for toilet overflow is with excessive toilet paper.

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Updating your home electric

Things to understand when updating electric in your home

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Updating HVAC System

Understanding what's involved when updating your home HVAC system.

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Common risk when replacing old steam based radiator

Things to consider when replacing old steam based radiator

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When do you need an architect for home remodel or renovation?

Understanding remodel or renovation process and when an architect is required.

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Tips to Save Money When Renovating Your Kitchen

Tips to Save Money When Renovating Your Kitchen

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